Louis Armstrong quotes, Louis Armstrong biography, super worksheets, are the prevailing information about Louis Armstrong in this page. In these super worksheets, kids, students, stakeholders will learn about, Louis Armstrong quotes, Louis Armstrong biography, Louis Armstrong jazz camp, Louis Armstrong educational background, and some of his activities . These super worksheets have been arranged in such a way that the questions activities will match with the answers activities at the end of the worksheet activities. Louis Armstrong quotes, has been arranged in sections of Imitation, music, musician, religion, sex, success and work. Download the PDF work sheet to access the questions and answers activities.
Below, you will find all Louis Armstrong quotes, while the PDF version of these super worksheets contains only Louis Armstrong biography and facts about Louis Armstrong, Louis Armstrong jazz camp, as well as Louis Armstrong educational background.
Louis Armstrong quotes, (1901 - 1971)
About Imitation, A lotta cats copy the Mona Lisa, but people still line up to see the original.
The above quote was made when Louis Armstrong was been asked whether he was against the fact that people could copy his style.
About Music, Folk music? Why, daddy, I don't know no other kind of music but folk music. I ain't never heard a horse sing a song.
About Music, Things were hard in New Orleans in those days and we were lucky if we ate, let alone paid for lessons. In order to carry on at all we had to have love of music in our bones.
About Musicians, Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.
About Musicians ,That's a good horn...but you need to put some of that hot water through it...get rid of all them newts and saveloys!
About Religion, As far as Religion, I'm a Baptist and a good friend of the Pope, and I always wear a Jewish.
About Sex, I thought I was hot stuff when the gals argued over me...I was too interested in my music to pay attention to that sort of jive. To most of it anyway.
About Success, I had hit the big time. I was up North with the greats. I was playing with my idol, the King, Joe Oliver. My boyhood dream had come true at last.
About Work, What d'you expect me to do—go back on that cart sellin' coal with that ol' mule fartin' in my face?